full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Katharine Hayhoe: The most important thing you can do to fight climate change talk about it

Unscramble the Blue Letters

What about those who don't have the resources that we have? In sub-Saharan afcira, there are hundreds of mlliions of people who don't have access to any type of energy except kerosine, and it's very expensive. Around the entire world, the fastest-growing type of new ernegy today is solar. And they have plenty of solar. So social impact investors, nonprofits, even corporations are going in and using innovative new microfinancing semches, like, pay-as-you-go solar, so that people can buy the power they need in increments, sometimes even on their cell phone. One cnopmay, Azuri, has distributed tens of thousands of uints across 11 countries, from Rwanda to Uganda. They etmaiste that they've powered over 30 million huros of electricity and over 10 million hours of cell phone charging.

Open Cloze

What about those who don't have the resources that we have? In sub-Saharan ______, there are hundreds of ________ of people who don't have access to any type of energy except kerosine, and it's very expensive. Around the entire world, the fastest-growing type of new ______ today is solar. And they have plenty of solar. So social impact investors, nonprofits, even corporations are going in and using innovative new microfinancing _______, like, pay-as-you-go solar, so that people can buy the power they need in increments, sometimes even on their cell phone. One _______, Azuri, has distributed tens of thousands of _____ across 11 countries, from Rwanda to Uganda. They ________ that they've powered over 30 million _____ of electricity and over 10 million hours of cell phone charging.


  1. millions
  2. hours
  3. energy
  4. company
  5. units
  6. schemes
  7. estimate
  8. africa

Original Text

What about those who don't have the resources that we have? In sub-Saharan Africa, there are hundreds of millions of people who don't have access to any type of energy except kerosine, and it's very expensive. Around the entire world, the fastest-growing type of new energy today is solar. And they have plenty of solar. So social impact investors, nonprofits, even corporations are going in and using innovative new microfinancing schemes, like, pay-as-you-go solar, so that people can buy the power they need in increments, sometimes even on their cell phone. One company, Azuri, has distributed tens of thousands of units across 11 countries, from Rwanda to Uganda. They estimate that they've powered over 30 million hours of electricity and over 10 million hours of cell phone charging.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
changing climate 7
united states 6
climate change 6
climate scientists 3
carbon footprint 3
entire united 2
fossil fuels 2
global warming 2
burning coal 2
bottom line 2
light bulbs 2
cell phone 2
million hours 2
clean energy 2
giant boulder 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
entire united states 2

Important Words

  1. access
  2. africa
  3. azuri
  4. buy
  5. cell
  6. charging
  7. company
  8. corporations
  9. countries
  10. distributed
  11. electricity
  12. energy
  13. entire
  14. estimate
  15. expensive
  16. hours
  17. hundreds
  18. impact
  19. increments
  20. innovative
  21. investors
  22. kerosine
  23. microfinancing
  24. million
  25. millions
  26. nonprofits
  27. people
  28. phone
  29. plenty
  30. power
  31. powered
  32. resources
  33. rwanda
  34. schemes
  35. social
  36. solar
  37. tens
  38. thousands
  39. today
  40. type
  41. uganda
  42. units
  43. world